Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Comparison of the Form and Style in Things Fall Apart and A Far Cry Essay - 1

Comparison of the Form and Style in Things Fall Apart and A Far Cry from Africa - Essay Example Since the story is that of a warrior, Achebe uses a tone that is martial. At the same time, the tone is also that of a historian who faithfully chronicles the events that happen in a society. The events of this society are shown through a pre-colonial and colonial perspective. The tone of Walcott’s poem, A Far Cry From Africa is different. This is because Walcott writes during a period when there is a consensus on the debates that surround pluralism and nativism, in favor of a pluralistic culture that seeks the integration of a pre-colonial and colonial culture. The agony that Walcott expresses regarding the conflict between his African belonging and the English language in which he is proficient and in which he expresses himself as a writer can be seen in the tone that he adopts in his poem which is that of a lament. These works tilt towards the pluralist cultures that the writers who were a part of the Negritude movement opposed (Ashcroft, 2010). As a result, their tone, eve n though they lament the loss of a culture with the advent of colonization, they express the hope of an integration of African and western cultures. This mixed culture may be said to be a reflection of the identities of these writers, an identity that had been molded through a consciousness of their own racial identity along with western education. Their tone enables them to make clear the racial differences that they aim to highlight through their works. These differences are made clear by talking of the conflict in the value systems that form the societies that Okonkwo lives in, in Things Fall Apart and the duality of the identity of the poet in A Far Cry From Africa. The narrator in Walcott’s poem is unapologetic about this... Comparison of the Form and Style in "Things Fall Apart" and "A Far Cry from Africa" While talking of race differences in their works, they are critical of the western colonizers for their economic policies, but occupy a space that is not entirely divorced from the western education that they have received. As a result their discussion of racial differences is extremely nuanced and complex. They however, have various differences in their tone and style, something that can be attributed to the differences in the historical and geographical context in which these writers produced their work. This paper shall attempt not only a historicist and new historicist mode of analysis, but shall seek to combine it with an analysis of the forms that the writers in question employ in their works of art. Things Fall Apart was one of the first few novels that explored the role of the colonizers in the changes that came in African society. There have been many works of art that have followed this work in the tradition of post-colonial works of art that critique the role of the coloni ser. The conflict that both these writers face is one that is faced by people, who are, according to Frantz Fanon, of mixed identities. Such people cannot turn to either side for support and thus end up feeling like outsiders in their own community. While this enables Achebe to provide his work with the perspective of an outsider, imbuing his work with the tone of a historian, it enables an effective articulation of Walcott’s identity crisis that results from not only a biologically mixed parentage but also a metaphorical one.

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Little Mermaid Essay Example for Free

The Little Mermaid Essay The first reason that I like this story is it is different from many other stories that always provide happy ending. Children are impossible to be innocent; we need to know we will face some difficulties in our daily life. If life looks so perfect, that is not life. And we usually can learn more by sad stories, because sadness or tragedy can uplift people’s greatness. After I read this story, I started to discover people live around me, and there are surely someone cries in the invisible corner. It seems that many adults think a child should not see too much sadness in their childhood, they think child’s life should be filled by happiness, however, no matter in which ages, people do have some upset feelings sometimes, so I think there is not a big problem to give kids read sad tales. To realize more, we can have a good start to grow up, because we have already prepared our mental statement. The second reason that I like this story is this fairy tale concludes a concept about gain and giving up. We are making choice in every moment when we are live in earth, we choose to give up something and to gain something, and the purpose is we try to make our gain more than our lost. In this story, the little mermaid uses her sweet voice to change a magic medicine that can give her human’s legs back from the evil witch. Although she thinks she can catch the prince’s heart, she is wrong and only has a chance to live a short happy time with prince for memory. In our student’s life, we also sacrifice our free time to do some we need to complete first. There is a proverb said that â€Å"One cannot make an omelet without breaking eggs. † There is no possibility that will be a present coming to you for no reason from God; we have to make decisions by ourselves, learn to make better decisions, and give ourselves present by our own. Many fairy tales are talking about the prince saves the princess, but â€Å"The Little Mermaid† is not. The little mermaid saves the prince from getting drown, and she choose to lose her life without killing the prince. We can find out that women are also strong as men, not to her powerful strength, but to her firm mind. When people face difficulties, they usually feel scared, and want to escape for sacrificing. But many examples that show women’s determination, such as some women choose to give up her life to born her baby. So we can realize that women will behave strong, when they have to protect their beloved as men. This kind of concept can give us courage and confidence to do things that we think we cannot do at first, although it is just a story, it encourages kids much. Some adults are worried that give children to read sad fairy tales will make kids feel unhappy, but I think this problem is not so serious. By reading those sad stories, we can have more impressive feeling, and start to think what reasons cause these sad endings. I like â€Å"The Little Mermaid†, it let me learn lessons, such as realizing the life is not perfect, making better choices and believing myself to accomplish my own goals. Maybe we cannot fulfill every wish in our short life, but we have tried to live a better life, like a pretty bubble exists. To this aspect, we will not have regrets.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

terror :: essays research papers

1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are many definitions of terrorism. Some of them are: Brain Jenkins said that terrorism is the use or threatened use of force designed to bring about political change. While Walter Lacqueur said that terrorism constitutes the illegitimate use of force to achieve apolitical objective by targeting innocent people. Yet another definition comes from Edward Herman, who said that terrorism should be defined by terms of state repression, such as the corrupt Latin American governments. Still another view of terrorism comes from Alex Schmidt, who said that there is no true or correct definition, because terrorism is an abstract concept with no real presence. A single definition cannot possibly account for all potential uses of the term. The final definition that is covered here is the official definition of terrorism issued by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. They state that it is the unlawful use of force to intimidate a government to further political or socia l goals. Though these are only a few of the definitions of terrorism, they provide a good cross-section of the term terrorism. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Martha Crenshaw said that terrorism means socially and politically unacceptable violence aimed at an innocent target to achieve a psychological effect. She also sited three criteria to make it a terrorist attack. The first is that there must be military methods used. Second there must be a millitary target involved, and finally there must be some chance of victory. 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  J. Bowyer Bell stated that there are six types of terrorism, and each part has a purpose. The six are; psychotic which attempts to achieve psychological gratification. The second is criminal witch attempts to profit the terrorist. Next there is the vigilantly type of terrorism witch attempts to achieve retaliation for some act, fourth there is endemic terrorism; witch is an internal struggle of some type. The fifth type of terrorism is authorized terrorism, which deals with state repression of a group. Finally we have revolutionary terrorism, which changes a behavior through fear. 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One of the many types of terrorism, according to Bell, is revolutionary terrorism. Here are some of the forms of revolutionary terrorism. One form is organizational which is meant to maintain discipline in a terrorist group. The next is allegiance which attempts to achieve public support for a given terror group. Thirdly there is functional revolutionary terrorism, which attempts to accomplish the missions of the terror groups. Another form is the proactive type, which incites governments to repression of a group of people.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Saudi Arabian Economy

Saudi Arabia is the largest Arab nation in Middle East Asia; Saudi Arabia has a population of more than 28 million and has an area of approximately 830,000 square miles. And has an oil-based economy with strong government control over major economic activities. Saudi Arabia possesses townie five percent of the world's proven petroleum reserves. When Saudi government signed agreement with standard oil of California (socal), allowing the company to explore Saudi Arabia for oil after a long search for oil that lasted around four years without success, the first success came with the seventh drill site in Dammam city in 1938. The economy of Saudi Arabia, mainly for oil, and hard it has the largest oil reserves in the world, an estimated 264. 2 billion barrels. And occupies the first place as the largest producer and exporter of oil in the world, where it plays a leading role in the organization of petroleum exporting countries (OPEC) to produce twenty nine percent of the total production of OPEC. In addition, the biggest turning point of the Saudi economy is Ghawar, it is by far the largest conventional oil field in the world and approximately sixty percent of all Saudi oil produced between 1948 and 2000 came from Ghawar and fourth largest reserves of natural gas, 240 trillion cubic feet, one third of this reserve is found in the Ghawar field. After explored the oil in Saudi Arabia, it become big change in the economic and government, focused on creation infrastructure, human resources development and non-oil economy, with the development of uplifting other economic activities such as handicrafts, mining and farming. For example, create and operation the cities of Jubal and Yanbu industrial create diversified economy and minimize rely on crude oil revenue Saudi Arabia economy is its response to the rapid economic variables on a global, regional and local levels Proof of this the successive jumps of the Kingdom in the standards world rankings year after year. And the kingdom occupies fourth rank in the â€Å"financial freedom† in the world rankings and has a tax system workbook ranked seventh in the world, one of the best tax systems to spur investment. It is one of the tony five largest economies in the world, which achieved a rank 24, and the largest economy in the Middle East and North Africa.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Strategic Fit of It Service Management

IBM Academy of Technology Academy TechNotes ATN Volume 2, Number 9, 2011 Strategic fit of IT Service Management iven the crucial role that IT (Information Technology) plays in businesses today, IT departments have a significant responsibility to ensure that its value is optimized. IT optimization can be obtained through the adoption of the IT Service Management proposition by IT operations. G Pietro Della Peruta However, IT Service Management concepts and tools are complex changes to introduce to an organization. To achieve the right fit of such concepts and tools it is important that the introduction is congruent with the company’s operating mode. The Company Operating Mode concept was introduced in the seminal work of Nolan and McFarlan on the â€Å"IT Strategic Impact Grid† (Harvard Business Review, October 2005, Information Technology and the Board of DirecTurnaround mode is characStrategic Dependence: Current value of IT on tors). According to the IT terized by the business havbusiness Strategic Impact Grid, ing a low strategic dependHigh companies operate in Low ence on IT which has high four possible modes: strategic impact. Firms in Turnaround Strategic High support, turnaround, facturnaround mode expect a IT Governance Focus IT Governance tory, and strategic. These new system to change their on system s and Governance modes determine the on business business. New systems promapplications Strategic Im pact: services Scope of IT current value IT has for ise major process optimizaFuture value of IT on operations the business (i. e. strategic business tion and service transformaSupport Factory Managem ent dependency) and the tion as well as cost reducBusiness Applications Focus future value IT has for the tion. IT operations are charservice and system m anagem ent m anagem ent business (i. e. strategic acterized by a great attenLow impact). To optimize the tion to efficiency, and they Legenda IT Managem ent Mode value of IT, for each are mostly process driven. Business Focus System Focus Com pany Operating Mode Company Operating Mode, The IT operations focus is on Focus of IT a well-defined level of IT the systems with attention to operations service management (IT IT governance processes (i. e. service management mode) needs to be implemented ITIL). y the IT operation. The IT service management mode is Strategic mode is characterized by IT having high stratecharacterized by the focus of IT operation (i. e. system gic dependence and high strategic impact on the busifocus or business focus) and by the scope of IT operations ness. Firms in this mode require dependable systems and (i. e. management focus or governance focus). When a must exploit emerging technologies to hold their comcompanyâ €™s currently adopted IT management mode petitive position. IT operations are seeking effectiveness does not match the operating mode the company is in, and efficiency. IT operations focus is on managing busithe IT department must modify the way IT services are ness service from a business point of view (effectiveness) managed in order to optimize the value of IT. as well as using a process driven approach to manage Support Mode is characterized by IT having low strategic the IT (efficiency). This means IT governance and business impact on the business which has a low strategic deservice focus. endency on IT. Companies in support mode are least dependent on IT. In this mode systems operate mostly in About the Author: Pietro della Peruta is an Executive IT Archimaintenance mode. Service interruption might not protect, IBM Software Group, a member of the IBM Academy of duce serious consequences. For a company in support Technology, and has 20 years of experience in systems mode, systems and applications are monitored and some availability and p erformance management. est practices exist for recovery from performance and availability problems. IT operations are focused on systems and applications resources, and the scope of operations is management.  © Copyright IBM Corporation 2011 Factory mode is characterized by the business having high strategic dependence on IT which has low strategic impact. Companies in factory mode are more dependent on information technology. If systems fail for a minute or more, there is an immediate loss of business. Increased response time has erious consequences for both internal and external users. IT management in the factory mode is characterized by a high level of effectiveness via tailored control of business service quality. KPIs (key performance indicators) are defined at business level more than at IT level. IT operations have a business focus but still a management scope. In factory mode, the focus of IT operations is more on managing the business services than on the systems or the applications as single entities. For more information please visit the Academy web site.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Border Wars essays

Border Wars essays The U.S. Border Patrol is the organization that polices the entry of illegal immigrants into our country. The official mission of the United States Border patrol is to protect the boundaries of the United States by preventing illegal entry, and by detecting, interdicting, and apprehending illegal aliens, smugglers, and contraband. Today, the United States Border Patrol consists of 21 sectors. Each sector is headed by a chief patrol agent. There are 145 stations located throughout the continental United States, and in Puerto Rico. The Border Patrol controls the border by land, sea, and air. The Border Patrol has jurisdiction across all United States borders and at least 25 miles off the border. The Border Patrol agents are responsible to check factories for illegal workers. As of September of 1995, the Border Patrol had 530 agents. The Border Patrol's efforts may be sufficient but many people believe that there are many problems in the methods of the Border Patrol. First, many people think that all of the equipment is costing the taxpayers too much. An estimation by TIME magazine states that in California alone, $400 million is spent on healthcare for illegal immigrants. CNN says that the care of illegal immigrants in one hospital in Jacksonville, Florida costs taxpayers $44.5 million. A Federal Government estimate says that $1.6 billion dollars is spent on the education of illegal immigrants each year in California alone. Just think of how much money is spent on illegal immigrants across the country. Now this is just the cost of the immigrants that get through the border patrol. These costs could be greatly lowered if the Border Patrol would do its job. Let alone the cost of the illegal immigrants that manage to get through the Border Patrol, the Border Patrol alone is costing plenty. In an overview, some people believe that we are spending too much money on ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

How to Get Your CDL in Tennessee and South Dakota

How to Get Your CDL in Tennessee and South Dakota If you live in Tennessee or South Dakota and want to learn about getting a CDL, this article will guide you through the process. For information on all other states, TheJobNetwork has put together a great guide on applying for a CDL in all states. TennesseeThe following people need to apply for a CDL:Operators of any vehicle or combination of vehicles weighing more than 26,000 pounds.Anyone transporting hazardous materialsAnyone transporting more than  15 passengers including the driverAnyone operating a  vehicle used as a school busCDL applicants must bring the following documents when applying for a license:a valid DOT Medical Cardproof of a  Social Security Numbera Tennessee driver’s license or ID, or a valid driver license or CDL from another state.proof (2 documents) of domicile in Tennesseeproof of U.S. Citizenship or Lawful Permanent Resident StatusObtaining a CDL learner’s permitTo obtain a permit, you must take and pass the CDL general knowledge test. Dri ver Service Centers throughout the state offer this   and the knowledge tests for any endorsement needed.Knowledge TestYou will need to take a  knowledge test or tests, depending on what class of license and what endorsements you need.The general knowledge test is taken by all applicants.The passenger transport test is taken by all bus driver applicants.The air brakes test is taken if your vehicle has air brakes, including air over hydraulic brakes.The combination vehicles test is required if you want to drive combination vehicles.The hazardous materials test is required if you want to haul hazardous materials as defined in 49 CFR 383.5.The tanker test is required if you want to haul a liquid or liquid gas in a permanently mounted cargo tank rated at 119 gallons or more or a portable tank rated at 1,000 gallons or more.The doubles/triples test is required if you want to pull double or triple trailers.The school bus test is required if you want to drive a school bus.Skills TestsI f you pass the required knowledge test(s), you can take the CDL skills tests, which include  pre-trip inspection, basic vehicle control, and on-road driving.The pre-trip inspection test involves a pre-trip vehicle inspection on your own vehicle. You will be tested to see if you know whether your vehicle is safe to drive, and explain to the examiner what you would inspect and why.The basic vehicle control part tests your skill controlling the vehicle. You will be asked to move your vehicle forward, backward, and turn it within a defined area.The on-road test asks you  to safely drive your vehicle in a variety of traffic situations. The situations may include left and right turns, intersections, railroad crossings, curves, up and down grades, single or multi-lane roads, streets, or highways.South DakotaYou must have a South Dakota CDL to operate:A single vehicle with a GVWR of 26,001+ poundsA trailer with a GVWR of 10,001+ pounds if the gross combination weight rating is 26,001 or more pounds.A vehicle designed to transport 16+ people (including the driver)Any size vehicle that  requires hazardous materials placards or is carrying material listed as a select agent or toxinThe following people cannot get  a South Dakota CDL:Anyone  under the age of 18Anyone who has a license under suspension, revocation, cancellation, or disqualificationAnyone who isn’t a resident of South DakotaAnyone  who has accumulated child support arrearages of $1,000 or moreCommercial Drivers Learner’s Permit (CLP)You can obtain a CLP  if you are  at least 18 years old and hold a valid Class 1 or Class 2 operator’s license. A  CLP is valid for no more than 180 days from the date of issuance and may be renewed once in the 1-year period from the issuance date for an additional 180 days without requiring the CLP holder to retake the general and specialized knowledge tests.A 14 day waiting period is required between the issue date of the CLP and to the da te it can be converted to a CDL.Obtaining  a CDLAfter passing the required knowledge test(s), you can be issued a CLP and then take the CDL skills tests. Your CLP must contain all endorsements and restrictions necessary to complete the skills test. There are three types of general skills that will be tested: pre-trip inspection, basic vehicle control, and on-road driving. You must take these tests in the type of vehicle for which you wish to be licensed.The pre-trip inspection test involves a pre-trip vehicle inspection on your own vehicle. You will be tested to see if you know whether your vehicle is safe to drive, and explain to the examiner what you would inspect and why.The basic vehicle control part tests your skill controlling the vehicle. You will be asked to move your vehicle forward, backward, and turn it within a defined area.The on-road test asks you  to safely drive your vehicle in a variety of traffic situations. The situations may include left and right turns, inte rsections, railroad crossings, curves, up and down grades, single or multi-lane roads, streets, or highways.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Shelf Lives of Expressions and Slang

The Shelf Lives of Expressions and Slang The Shelf Lives of Expressions and Slang The Shelf Lives of Expressions and Slang By Mark Nichol Several weeks ago, President Obama, in announcing during a television interview that he didn’t want to inflame Islamic extremists by releasing photos taken of Osama bin Laden’s body following the al-Qaeda leader’s assassination by a U.S. military unit, said, â€Å"There’s no need to spike the football.† Huh? In American football, players have been known to triumphantly punctuate a touchdown by spiking the ball, or throwing it point first against the surface of the playing field so that it emphatically bounces away. By summoning that imagery, Obama expressed his reluctance to have the United States be perceived as gloating about bin Laden’s death. So, do you think that analogy has legs? (The stem of that expression, in turn, is from theatrical slang for a stage production with the potential for long-running success.) The truth is, the entertainment industry, whether in the form of a professional sports or any one of various theatrical endeavors, has enriched our language with a wealth of idiomatic expressions: The sports world has given us â€Å"A-game† (an excellent effort), â€Å"Hail Mary pass† (a desperate gambit), and â€Å"slam-dunk† (a definitive accomplishment), among a stadium full of other vivid phrases. Meanwhile, the performing arts have contributed â€Å"It ain’t over till the fat lady sings† (meaning â€Å"Don’t give up† interestingly, often voiced late in seemingly one-sided athletic contests), â€Å"Break a leg† (meaning â€Å"Good luck†), and â€Å"It’s a wrap† (meaning â€Å"We’re done†). Other expressions derive from a wide variety of other fields and pursuits, and though some of these figures of speech may induce groans because of the excess of their success through viral propagation, many are quite effective in conveying a message at least for now. Any such phrasing, however, is subject to the cultural forces at play at any time. Ronald Reagan would not have said, â€Å"There’s no need to spike the football† in response to the fall of the Berlin Wall more than twenty years ago, because the gridiron tradition in question postdates that event. Two decades from now, it may die out, and the expression may fade into obsolescent oblivion. And that’s the moral of this story: If you’re writing for an ephemeral medium like newspapers, magazines, or the Internet, you need not concern yourself with the staying power of current slang or expressions derived from pop culture. But if you’re writing a book, or are otherwise more concerned about the legacy of your efforts, take care in the use of idiom so that your prose does not come under fire (as the military-based expression goes) for being tired or passe. You are allowed a pass (but not a Hail Mary pass) if, say, you’re writing a coming-of-age story in which you want to re-create the zeitgeist by resurrecting the lingo of the time, but be careful not to have your characters indulge in incessant ’70s-speak, for example. Ask any survivor of that era, and they’ll tell you that â€Å"Far out,† â€Å"Right on,† and â€Å"Keep on truckin’† were far from ubiquitous. Admittedly, some idiom has survived years, decades, centuries, and even millennia: The entrance to a house in Pompeii, inundated by volcanic ash in 79 AD, has an inscription on the floor that reads â€Å"Cave canem† â€Å"Beware of the dog.† But cave this: Whoever coins or borrows an expression isn’t entitled to determine its staying power or whether it survives only in ironic or derisive usage. Bummer, huh? Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Rhetorical Devices for Rational Writing16 Misquoted QuotationsWhat Is the Meaning of "Hack?"

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Management Styles and Impact on Employee Motivation Essay - 1

Management Styles and Impact on Employee Motivation - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that being a manager brings a lot of responsibilities and using the right style of management can have a major impact on the overall performance of the teams as well as the business. There are a number of different styles of management that can be used to manage teams and each of them has a different impact on the teams and the business. There are styles which are people-oriented while others are based on projects and products alone. The style of management that is adopted by a person is dependent on the skills and knowledge of the person and also the desired result that the individual plans to achieve from the teams. Managing people at work is an essential element of any business. Human Resources Management is a specialized function by itself and requires to be managed with special care and attention. Employees are an asset to any company. A few of the types of leadership styles which are normally used include a) Authoritative leadership, b) Participative leadership, and c) Democratic. Here the main focus is on the authoritative leadership and participative leadership. Authoritative leadership is a strategy used by the managers to keep complete control of the employees. Here managers do not trust the employees and are more of authoritative figures who give orders and do not consider any views or suggestions from the employees. This approach of leadership is based on the views of Taylor and those of McGregor’s theory X and Y.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Culture Versus Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Culture Versus Environment - Essay Example Rituals designed to appease a multitude of gods thought to control various aspects of the environment were replaced by monotheism and atheism. Favorable environments enabled the discovery of new technologies and freed mankind from having to concentrate on survival. This resulted in greater supplies of food and other resources enabling the growth of larger and less homogeneous settlements with productivity further increased by specialized division of labor. Thus while environment did not directly affect cultural values, it created a milieu where that portion of mankind who could benefit from more favorable environments not only had a greater sense of their ability to control their own environment but also a sense of empowerment where they felt they could and should impose their culture on those less empowered and presumed inferior. Diamond’s Theory and the Spanish ConquistadoresNot only did Diamond theorize there must be the suitable environment for technology improvements to o ccur, he also contended the surrounding environment must be able to facilitate the exchange of technological improvements so that there is the widespread advancement of civilization. He argued Europe/Asia are oriented on an east/west axis meaning the adjoining continents are very wide on the same latitude (east/west) Therefore they have similar vegetation and climate so that the innovation of agriculture and animal domestication could easily spread from the Middle East along this corridor with little adaptation required east.

English Language Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

English Language - Essay Example The work has a great implication on the lives of many people. The narration of the death of Mandela was accompanied with numerous statins of his achievement and his requirement to all people. Every person or institution wanting to live the legacy left by Mandela would be moved by the text since it reminds each and every person of the importance of being willing to sacrifice for the sake of the world. The author realises this fact and puts into perspective the most influential events in the life of Nelson Mandela. The main purpose of the text was creating an editorial that would reflect the actual life and times of Nelson Mandela. Additionally, the author seeks to enlighten the reader of the steps undertaken by Mandela to become one the global recognised leaders for their efforts to bring peace and save humanity. The text has no limitation on the suitable audience since its representation and content are appropriate for very person interested in understanding why Nelson Mandela was held with high regard. However, in highlighting his objective, the author uses the responses of leaders and other people in the society on Nelson Mandela. The article starts by the author explaining the mood that was expected at the funeral. They then mention the significance of the burial of Nelson Mandela3. The text assesses the audience present at the funeral, the mood of the actual day of the funeraland the days before the funeral. The author is quick to confirm that international leaders led by the US President, Barack Obama, were presented at the send-off ceremony and delivered moving speeches on how exceptional Mandela was4. The text also analyses the general feeling of the people of South Africa on their perception Mandela. The text then diverts from the funeral to the life and times of the Nelson Mandela. Significant events such as the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Identification Essay on American History Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Identification on American History - Essay Example It is fascinating to note that the colonist did not see their efforts as leading to their independence. Their drive was the belief that they were fighting for their natural rights. They believed too that they were resisting the corrupt and misguided government representatives and officials. They redoubled their efforts and activism with every new assertion of British authority, which raised the stake higher and higher. King George III condemnation of the rebellion and protests as unlawful and the rejection of the colonist’s appeals sharply dashed their faith. American nationalist and patriots eventually lost their faith in reason and righteousness of the monarchy and out rightly rejected it and went ahead to gain their independence. This beginning of a new society and authority replaced the old. Discussion The American Revolution was a political cataclysm in which thirteen North American colonies came together to oppose the British patriarchal rule during the last part of the 18ht century. This upheaval led to their break-free from the British Empire and saw the establishment of the United States of America. It began by the outright rejection of the Britain Parliament that governed them without representation from overseas. The British Patriarchalauthority suffered an even bigger upset when all its royal officials were expelled. Each of the thirteen colonies had effectively established Provincial Congress that would govern them by 1774. Although they were still under the British Patriarchy, the British sent combat troops to impose direct authority. The thirteen states ultimately determined that, through acts of totalitarianism, the British could no longer claim their allegiance legitimately1. They thus broke ties with the British Monarchy in July 1776 when the Congress issued the U.S Declaration of independence, rejecting in all totality the British Empire on behalf of a separate, sovereign new nation. The American Revolution was prompted by a series of political, social, and intellectual transformations in the American government and society. This is what was referred to as the American Enlightenment. It was the period between mid and late 18th century that saw Americans undergo intellectual transformations and thriving. Americans at this time, rejected the aristocratic developments in Europe, and instead, championed for republicanism development based on Enlightenment of liberalism. Ethnicity and racism were among the ideals that the Americans rejected during this period. The racism concept viewed from different perspectives. The idea of â€Å"the Great Chain of Being† which suggested that all creation was a kind of hierarchy within which there were different groups of human2. At the time, most Americans were Protestants who vastly believed in the creation theory which asserted that all humans were descendants of Eve and Adam. They therefore, did not agree with racism and instead tried to use other parts of the Bible to ex plain the various differences in racial appearances. This greatly opposed the idea of Great chain of being. Other significant results of the revolution included the formation of a legitimate government that was democratically elected and was responsible of the peoples will. The level of democracy appropriate in the new government prompted fierce debates with most of the

Building and leading creative teams Research Paper

Building and leading creative teams - Research Paper Example Mayo’s motivation theory can therefore be applied in understanding another possible reason why Jeannie ceased to work as a freelancer and joined McTate & Mann advertising company. It is possible that Jeannie considered the social needs of being viewed as a career driven individual by the society by going to work rather than freelancing from home. Nonetheless, the main focus of Mayo’s motivational theory is the manner in which managers and leaders treat employees in relation to meting their social needs (Wilson & Madsen, 2008). It is evident that the social needs of both Jeannie and Sandy are met at the work place because they are happy with their work. The social needs of employees are further described by Maslow’s theory of motivation. According to Maslow’s theory, there are five distinct levels of human needs which should be met for them to feel motivated. The social needs of employees are postulated by Maslow within the third level of his hierarchy of needs. These include the sense of belonging and love needs (Wilson & Madsen, 2008). It can be depicted therefore that Sandy and Jeannie were motivated to leave their respective jobs for McTate & Mann because they needed to belong to a group. Moreover, Sandy and Jeannie needed to belong to a recognized company which met their needs for belonging. In addition to the social needs, the physiological needs are postulated in the first level of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. The physiological needs include hunger and thirst (Wilson & Madsen, 2008). Through a good pay at McTate & Mann, Sandy and Jeannie would not go hungry or thirst. Therefore this justifies their motiv ation to work with the advertising company rather than their previous jobs. Furthermore, Maslow’s theory of motivation postulates that employees are motivated if their safety needs are met (Viorel, Aurel, Virgil & Stefania,

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Identification Essay on American History Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Identification on American History - Essay Example It is fascinating to note that the colonist did not see their efforts as leading to their independence. Their drive was the belief that they were fighting for their natural rights. They believed too that they were resisting the corrupt and misguided government representatives and officials. They redoubled their efforts and activism with every new assertion of British authority, which raised the stake higher and higher. King George III condemnation of the rebellion and protests as unlawful and the rejection of the colonist’s appeals sharply dashed their faith. American nationalist and patriots eventually lost their faith in reason and righteousness of the monarchy and out rightly rejected it and went ahead to gain their independence. This beginning of a new society and authority replaced the old. Discussion The American Revolution was a political cataclysm in which thirteen North American colonies came together to oppose the British patriarchal rule during the last part of the 18ht century. This upheaval led to their break-free from the British Empire and saw the establishment of the United States of America. It began by the outright rejection of the Britain Parliament that governed them without representation from overseas. The British Patriarchalauthority suffered an even bigger upset when all its royal officials were expelled. Each of the thirteen colonies had effectively established Provincial Congress that would govern them by 1774. Although they were still under the British Patriarchy, the British sent combat troops to impose direct authority. The thirteen states ultimately determined that, through acts of totalitarianism, the British could no longer claim their allegiance legitimately1. They thus broke ties with the British Monarchy in July 1776 when the Congress issued the U.S Declaration of independence, rejecting in all totality the British Empire on behalf of a separate, sovereign new nation. The American Revolution was prompted by a series of political, social, and intellectual transformations in the American government and society. This is what was referred to as the American Enlightenment. It was the period between mid and late 18th century that saw Americans undergo intellectual transformations and thriving. Americans at this time, rejected the aristocratic developments in Europe, and instead, championed for republicanism development based on Enlightenment of liberalism. Ethnicity and racism were among the ideals that the Americans rejected during this period. The racism concept viewed from different perspectives. The idea of â€Å"the Great Chain of Being† which suggested that all creation was a kind of hierarchy within which there were different groups of human2. At the time, most Americans were Protestants who vastly believed in the creation theory which asserted that all humans were descendants of Eve and Adam. They therefore, did not agree with racism and instead tried to use other parts of the Bible to ex plain the various differences in racial appearances. This greatly opposed the idea of Great chain of being. Other significant results of the revolution included the formation of a legitimate government that was democratically elected and was responsible of the peoples will. The level of democracy appropriate in the new government prompted fierce debates with most of the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

'' cross-cultural influences the kinds of HRM strategies between china Essay

'' cross-cultural influences the kinds of HRM strategies between china and Austrelia''† - Essay Example With this, these companies adapt to the human resource protocols and labor laws where they operate while incorporating the same business ethics that they have set up in their home base (Wright, et al., n.d.). Outsourcing has been around since the late 70’s where the production of brand name companies were set up in countries where labor is cheap. One of the countries that is lucrative for these outsourcing companies is China because of its’ cheap labor costs (Wright, et al., n.d.). Even though expatriates are brought in to oversee the operations of these companies, the workplace culture of the host country is still evident in setting up their human resource policies. Policies such as reprimanding a subordinate or career growth are influenced by the culture which is prevalent in the country. One good example for this is a multinational company that will set up their operations in China. While the company will implement their company core values and business code of ethics, human resource managers still apply the strong work culture of the Chinese. Also setting up these multinational companies in a country such as China does not mean that the company will not comply with China’s labor laws (Zhao, n.d.). The same can be said when a Chinese firm sets up their operations in Australia. The Chinese owned company has to comply with the existing labor laws of Australia in order for them to operate their businesses. At the same time, they also practice the company core values which have been set up and may be formulated in Chinese workplace setting (OReilly & Chatman, 1996). This paper will discuss cross cultural differences in human resource management procedures and what problems arise from such settings. The paper will also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of such cross cultural settings. Another topic that will

Monday, October 14, 2019

Beverly Cleary Author Study Essay Example for Free

Beverly Cleary Author Study Essay Hi, my name is Beverly Cleary. I am an author of over thirty books for children and adults. I have written many award winning books. I worked as a librarian when I was younger. That’s where I got the idea to write about ordinary kids. I was born in McMinnville Oregon on April 12, 1916. My dad was in the war. When I was a child I was always around books. Soon me and my family moved to Portland. I attended grammar and high school there. I found myself in the low reading circle. When in third grade I was told by the public librarian â€Å"You should write a book.† I kept that in mind. When I was 34 I wrote my first book, Henry Huggins. The way I get the ideas for the books is from my own experiences like my childhood or other kids’ childhood. Maybe I would see an article in the newspaper or a magazine. Sometimes it would just seem to come out of thin air. Once two boys who didn’t know each other asked me to write a book about a child of divorce. That’s how I got Dear Mr. Henshaw, my Newberry winner. One street that most of my characters live on is Klickitat Street which is a real street in Portland. I have won many awards for my books. For example, Dear Mr. Henshaw won the Newberry Medal in 1984. Ramona and Her Father was made a Newberry Honor Book in 1978. Ramona Quimby, Age 8 was made a Newberry Honor Book in 1982. The Newberry award is one of the most prestigious awards given to authors for their contributions to literature for children. In 1984 the U.S. made me a nominee for the Hans Christian Andersen award. Two of my books are Henry Huggins and Ribsy. Some ways they are alike are that they have the same characters – Henry Huggins, Ribsy, Ramona, and Beezes. They both have a both have problems concerning animals and they take place on the same street. Some ways they are different are that they have different problems. In the book Henry Huggins, Henry has lots of small problems with his pets, which are not life and death situations. In the book Ribsy, Ribsy the dog has one big problem. He gets lost and he needs to figure out how to get back to his owner, Henry Huggins. This is a big problem for a dog because he doesn’t want to get hit by a car or get killed or hurt by other animals. My books are about ordinary kids and the things that happen to them. There’s usually a problem or two and the characters find interesting ways to solve them. I like to write about ordinary kids because it’s something kids can relate to and enjoy reading without thinking it’s a hassle. Kids tell me they like my stories. I hope you do too.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Current Situation Samsungs Position Marketing Essay

Current Situation Samsungs Position Marketing Essay Samsungs Position in 2003, was strong as compared to its current situation. Its stock was one of the most widely held amongst the companies emerging in the market as more than half of its shares were outside of Korea, its home country. In 2003, Business week ranked Samsung 25th most valuable brand from 34th position in 2002 and with a fast growing brand value compared to its competitor Sony. In the electronics Industry both Samsung and Sony are leading names and as the electronic industry requires heavy emphasis on research and development, transitions on market and to optimize supply chains. New innovations in technology runs the consumer electronic industry. Samsung uses its traditional in-house RD instead of outsourcing it from Business partners as outsourcing transfer capital investment has lower risk to other companies but has high cost, however the risk involved is lower. Samsung operates on the virtual integration model which has leveraged all the aspects of the manufacturing process from raw- materials to fully assembled products. Keeping the cost down from what it would be if being outsourced, Samsung reduced costs further by off-shoring efforts. As in off-shoring a firm uses its own assets and locates Business units in places such that it has lower costs of production, for this purpose Samsung has placed its plants in China and India. Out of the two core marketing groups of Samsung, one in Korea and the other one for rest of the world, Samsung consolidated to use a single ensure worldwide brand consistency in 2001. A percentage of the current sales of 2003 were set aside for marketing, reallocations were also made to market research to identify if marketing funds could be used to achieve high returns. SWOT: Strengths: Has a wide range of products such as mobile phones, camera, home appliance and other devices. Enjoys advantage over a few electronic items by introducing advanced features in LCD, refrigerator, Air Conditioner etc. Holds significant market share in many product Categories. Does RD to keep innovating its products and to be ahead from its competitors and to be first in the market with new range of products. Weakness: Caused product CANNIBALIZATION due to launch of series of smart phones. Lack of product software for which it has to depend on other companies. Competitors like SONY and APPLE who have their own products as well as software. Other Areas of business like Chemicals, Machinery Heavy Industry, financial Services unknown to the Public. Opportunities: Continue sponsoring major events like Olympics in order to spread brand equity and to increase sales and cut competition. Develop its own unique software in order to keep up with competitors and to make itself independent from other software oriented companies. Should increase its spending on advertising and market its products more. Threats: Recent tie up of Google and Motorola where Google has decided to sell its software only to Motorola, without its own software its very difficult for Samsung to survive in future competition. Increasing competition from APPLE and SONY. Amount of money spent in RD for product innovation and creation on new and unique products is huge, which other companies save by reverse engineering Samsungs products. Strategic Brand Management Brand Building in order to increase promotional costs and decrease revenues by sacrificing certain product lines and with the digital revolution going on a new opportunity window is there to dominate consumer electronics market. Doing so without proper precautions can cause the company some irreparable damage. The need for advertisement and promotion is a must for the company in order to increase the awareness among consumers. Though advertisement and promotion of Samsung depends on the activities done by it in the particular region. Activities carried out by the company can have both positive and negative impacts such as promotional materials intended and developed for one countrys market can limit its ability to develop promotional campaigns made specifically for another market. Samsungs competitive advantage led to unique breeding environment for innovation, RD and the production of new technology should be preserved therefore, all new products should be kept in a safe location e. g. in the Korean Headquaters. Recommendations: Moving away from the supplier mentality Samsung should de-emphasize the importance of new products, though innovation of products has brought Samsung great wealth, Samsung can still survive in the market by cutting costs spent in RD of new technology and let the market forces be the driving force in the development of new technology. Training of internal staff in making use of effective marketing as it is related to other areas of Business, especially development. First-hand knowledge of the development process should benefit the marketing team as they should know what a delay in research can mean to the project. Development of a career path in marketing and a formal structure for Samsung employees would demonstrate to the company a commitment to marketing, which would serve as a recruiter and developer to grow new marketing talent. Marketing professionals if retained within a structured environment would help Samsung further to continue build consistency with its brand identity. Use of interactive marketing such as making of online ad campaigns on frequently visited websites like Youtube, where the viewer should be able to interact with the help of annotation feature. Where multiple options should be given and if any of the options is chosen then each option should open a new video. Should move its product from price-driven stores to more focused retailers. Implementation: To make the selling of developed products easier the resources should be shifted from RD to marketing which would increase the return of RD spending. Samsung should know that branding is as important as the high quality of the products that Samsung supplies. Partnership with a Chinese firm can help reduce the labour costs related to production of legacy products without compromising on the valuable intellectual property. Samsung besides being in partnership with the Chinese, cannot forget that the Chinese can still prove as competitors which can harm their business. Therefore the company should keep a strong focus on maintaining its technological leadership by pursuing cutting-edge RD, especially towards future substitutes for DRAMS. One more way to reduce the chances of development of competition, though more risky and should be applied with care is to surpass new market entrants by lowering margins on low-end DRAMs. The profit will not be more but Samsungs name and the build quality of their products will push the competitors towards more or less operational losses, at the same time itll ensure that Samsung will still be able to earn on the other products from its wide range of portfolio.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Invasion Of Panama :: essays research papers fc

The Invasion of Panama The U.S. invasion of Panama on December 20, 1989 was a mark of excellence on the behalf of the U.S. armed forces ability to effectively use the principles of war. The years leading up to the invasion set the climate for conflict; drug trafficking became a major problem between Panama and the U.S. in the 1980's, as well as Manuel Noriega's interference with the Panama canal employees rights under the Panama Canal Treaty; the final action that sparked the invasion was Noriega's attempt to fix the national election and the military enforcement of the fix after the election. Once this took place the U.S. began to make a plan for the invasion. The overwhelming success of this mission stemmed from the U.S. military's competent use of the principals of war. The primary success of a mission is the ability to define an overall attainable objective for the mission. In the formulation of the mission to invade Panama, the U.S. military set out four main objectives of the mission. First, they wanted to "protect American lives" (Watson 69). This meant they wanted to protect the lives of the 35,000 U.S. citizens in Panama from attacks by Noriega's Panama Defense Force or PDF; they also wanted to protect the lives of Americans at home by attempting to eliminate drug trafficking. Second, they wanted to "protect American interests and rights under the Panama Canal Treaty" (Watson 69). This could be done by abolishing Noriega's control of the workers who operate the canal, and his control of the canal itself. Third, they wanted to "restore a democratic and freely elected government to Panama" (Watson 107). Here, the U.S. would gain control over the country and ensure a fair election. And, finally, they wanted to "apprehend Noriega" (Watson 69) for prosecution in the U.S.. This would ease the difficulty of restoring democracy and eliminating drug trafficking, as well as giving Americans a feeling that justice was being served. These objectives gave the mission clear goals to achieve, allowing for the planing of each task that needed to be completed in order to accomplish the mission. Once objective has been established, the next step was to derive a simple plan, following the principle of simplicity, which is the formation of "Direct, simple plans and clear, concise orders to minimize misunderstanding and confusion" (Stofft 7). That is just what the U.S. did. They used direct and simple plans to carry out their mission; that is not to say the invasion was a simple operation, on the contrary, the command and control measures were very difficult. Thus, the plan was as simple as it could be with concern to the

Friday, October 11, 2019

Nash v. Auburn University

Statement of Facts:   Nash v. Auburn University involved a challenge by two first-year graduate students to a one year suspension imposed for cheating on examinations.   At the suspension hearing the students sought to examine the school’s witnesses directly rather than through an intermediary hearing panel member, who would pose the students questions to the witnesses. Questions: Mid-State says that Landry enrolled at the university and therefore has waived any further protections than those granted him in the rules and regulations.   Is this position well taken?   Yes it is the school’s argument is that the penal code and an academic â€Å"criminal† code differ crucially in a way bearing directly on the right of confrontation.   Penal code enforcement rests upon well trained professionals such as police officers and public prosecutors. Landry asserts that he is entitled to have his lawyer present during any procedures designed to expect him.   Is this position reasonable?   Yes, to be charged with cheating on a final examination seems little different from being charged with defrauding one’s creditor.   Any conviction of the offense may lead to grievous sanctions such as suspension or expulsion for the student, jail time for the criminal defendant. Landry states that he has the right to cross examine the witnesses against him.   Is he correct?   No, in rejecting their constitutional claim that this indirect process denied them their right to confront opposing witnesses, the trial court repeated that the Dixon standards did not require this opportunity and that the Supreme Court did not expand the rule of Dixon, indeed the students had received â€Å"more than the Constitution requires† even though â€Å"in almost every setting where important decisions turn on questions of fact, due process requires an opportunity to confront and cross-examine adverse witnesses†. The Eleventh Circuit in its decisions repeated the District Court’s â€Å"explanation† for restricting the right of cross-examination. Landry maintains that the dean of students is biased against him because of   Ã‚  statements the dean has made to the effect that Landry is a menace and should be removed from the university.   Is Landry’s objection allowable?   Yes, familiarity may breed contempt rather than friendship, in a closed environment, in which accuser and accused are very often acquainted; cross-examination is the best way to expose bias or enmity, if either exists. Knowing that he may face tough questioning a potential accuser may hesitate to report misconduct on mere suspicion.   Such caution can only improve the reliability of any accusation and as with any other procedural safeguards that have generated plausible concerns, the right of confrontation seems not to have caused systemic breakdown at the numerous schools permitting cross-examination. Put simply, the accused student fails to receive fair treatment when members of the panel alone are allowed to confront the witness.   The civil law parallel of the inquiring magistrate assumes an experienced examiner, who is already well-informed about the matter from the investigatory report.   The typical disciplinary panel consists of students and faculty members, usually their first attendance at a hearing and unfamiliar with the events triggering the charge, and unlikely to have within the group a trained interrogator. Would it make any difference to Landry if the university in question were a private rather than a public university?   Yes, in private school cases, courts have refused to venture beyond these narrow constitutional bounds.   In the few reported decisions assessing the student’s right to confront an opposing witness, the courts have denied that the right existed. For reasoning the schools lead off their argument by asserting that discipline is an integral part of the learning experience and that teachers, not courts, should determine how best to design a student’s education.   This is kind of a throwback to the in loco parentis view of higher education.   Absent of excessive physical force or neglect, parents may discipline children in any way the thing will be effective, even if experts would strongly disagree with their choice. By analogy, colleges as surrogate parents should enjoy the same latitude in deciding how to impose discipline upon their student, â€Å"Children†.   Even if modern educators no longer accept such a surrogate role, many teachers still view the goal of the disciplinary process as enlightening and inducing better conduct by the accused student, not as requiring the accuser to prove that misconduct occurred.   Adherents of this position contend that once the disciplinary procedure become â€Å"confrontational†, it loses its educational value. Works Cited: Carper, Donald L., et al.   Understanding the Law 5th. Ed.   Mason, Ohio: Thomson/West,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   2008.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Days of Destruction Days of Revolt Essay

They offer very detailed and disturbing descriptions of life on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, the slums of Camden, New Jersey, and the â€Å"surface mining† zones surrounding Welch, West Virginia, as well as some places in Immokalee, Florida, that are literally like slave camps. One chapter of the book caught my eye, â€Å"Days of Slavery. † It mainly takes place in Immokalee Florida, a center of immigrant agricultural laborers, mostly Latino. The immigrants are housed in terrible conditions, which makes it very hard for them to work. Additionally to the terrible conditions that they are forced to work in, they are also paid unreasonably low wages for the amount of time they are working. Another thing that is affecting the people who work in the factories are serious problems with breathing. They have this problem because of pesticide poisoning and other chemicals that they are being exposed to while working. One chemical that is mentioned is Methyl Bromide. It is also not uncommon for these workers to be held in literal slavery, have their paychecks stolen, and be subjected to physical abuse if they get out of line. The legal system in Florida appears willing to prosecute cases of slavery, but the immigrants are very afraid to come forward for obvious reasons. They are afraid they will be fired and more than likely the cases will not be judged in their favor. This is because these companies are huge, and are able to pay people off to continue making the workers work under unreasonable conditions. O’Neill 2 Hedges interviews activists from the Coalition of Imoakalee Workers, a very strong and militant organization. He describes their struggle to secure a minimum level of decent conditions for the workers. The chapter includes the case of Miguel Flores and Sebastian Gomez, who where sentenced in 1997 to fifteen years in prison on charges of slavery, extortion, and firearm possession. The duo oversaw a modern slavery operation of four hundred men and women who harvested fields in Florida and South Carolina. The book highlights the harsh conditions for the laborers in this operation. The author wrote: The workers, mostly indigenous Mexicans and Guatemalans, were forced to work ten to twelve hours a day, six days a week, for as little as $20 dollars a week, all under the supervision of armed guards. Those who attempted to escape were beaten, pistol-whipped, and at times shot. The crew leaders charged the workers exorbitant prices for food. Female workers, according to one victim, were routinely raped. The coalition workers were told by Flores that if their experiences of working in the factory were talked about, he would cut their tongues out. (Hedges 158) The main questions of the people in the community of Immokalee were probably, â€Å"Who is going to take a stand for us immigrants? Who is going to be our leader that we will follow so we can be treated like normal human-beings? Their questions were not being answered until a man by the name of Lucas Benitez came along. Benitez was thirty-six and had two children . A group was started by Bentiez as well as people who â€Å"found the courage to stand up to abuse, breaking the cycle of fear that keeps the system in place. † Benitez started by becoming an organizer. He and his group would meet at the local Catholic church at night to help those who were being treated unfairly. Things were turning around for the immigrants. They were protesting and trying to do whatever they could to defeat the huge companies who were making them work many hours for such little pay. As they began to protest and strike, the employers gave them what they wanted. The workers of Imoakalee, Florida, got O’Neill 3 a pay raise, and were no longer held in literal slavery. Other then the few changes that were mentioned above, Imoakalee Florida, has not significantly changed since the mid 1950’s. Today, Imoakalee, Florida, is still an area where a majority of America’s crops and produce are grown. Many immigrants still live in Imoakalee, Florida. To this day, unfortunately corruption is still going on in Imoakalee. Huge factories and companies are forcing workers to work very hard, and they are also causing damage to the environment. They are causing damage to the environment because of the smoke stacks that are required by the different factories. (Coalition of Immokalee Workers) O’Neill 4 Works Cited Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW). N. p. , n. d. Web. 7 Feb. 2013. . Hedges, Chris, and Joe Sacco. Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt. New York: Nation Books, 2012. Print.

Healthcare Interview Essay

Introduction This paper is based on a conducted interview of a licensed employee of Larkin Community Hospital. This paper will include an overview of Larkin Community Hospital. It will describe the targeted department, type of work conducted in this department, and specific information that makes it unique. Furthermore, this paper will describe all responsibilities in care and will consist of questions answered by the interviewee. Overview of Larkin Community Hospital Larkin Community Hospital severed as a general hospital for those patients who in need of surgical and medical care. Larking Community is a physician-owned, acute care in bed hospital accredited by Joint Commissions. In this facility, patients will have safest and compressive care at its best quality. This facility offers a variety of services which include bariatric care, cardiology, dental care, emergency care, family practice, memory disorders, occupational health, outpatient and inpatient care, podiatry and foot, pulmonary care, mental health, surgery, and healing. It accommodates residential patients who suffer from physical or mental disabilities. As part of the Graduate Medical Education Committee, it teaches healthcare professionals of all aspects of care by monitoring and reviewing all healthcare decisions. The hospital will also implement and implement policies to ensure regulatory compliance is in order in regards to residents. Targeted Department The targeted department is the section where patients need more assistance; this is what makes facility different from the rest. In this section, resident assistance is available all hours of the day. All of the employees are trained to provide adequate care. All resident aids are first aid and CPR certified. Resident aids are available to provide ambulatory care when need for the patient. Because more care is provided in this section, there are more resident aids on the floor to make certain that all needs are fulfilled. Interviewee The person been interviewed is Ira Agastein, a resident supervisor of Larkin Hospital Community. His responsibilities is to make sure that residents are getting appropriate care by performance evaluations, make certain residents receive their medication when needed, and handling complaints by patients or their families. Agastein is in charge of enforcing implications of action plans that are developed to improve operation efficiency. As the resident aid supervisor it is his responsibility to ensure that employees (resident aids and resident aid manager) carry out their assigned duties. This will guaranteed that the department continues to improve and continue to provide the best quality of care to the patients. Career Path When asked what about his career path was, Agastein said it was to become a resident aid supervisor. Agastein began his career working as a combat medic in the Army National Guard. After a few years, he went to medical school to earn his bachelor degree in psychology. He began working shortly after his commissioning in the Army. After working in this position for 5 years, he began to shadow the resident manager learning the responsibilities of this position. A few months afterwards, he was promoted to resident manager. He knew that he wanted to go further so he began to learn the responsibilities as a resident aid supervisor. When the position was available he applied in hopes of getting the job. Because of his years of experience and acquired knowledge he was given the position. Although it can be overbearing at times, Agastein seems to love his job very much. Educational Requirements What are the educational requirements for the position? Agastein replied that there are some requirements for education where he had obtained a bachelor degree to get this position, which he did for psychology. While he was in medical school, he had to understand mental behaviors and theories relating to children and young teens. He had to deal with families suffering domestic violence and substance abuse. Also he had to working with people coming from socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds. He needed to be able to withhold the knowledge of a resident supervisor, which got him in his current position today. Did your education adequately prepare you for your job? When asked this question Agastein said that without a doubt that his formal education in medical school had prepared him for this job. Since he had worked his way up through the ranks, from enlisted to commissioned he had seen all the aspects of leadership and he was well prepared to be put into a supervisor position. What would you say is the most important attribute for success in this position? Communication is the most important part of success in any position. Agastein said that from the janitor to the director if there is no communication everything will shut down and the business will not function. With his success in her current position he says that he has learned that throughout his entire career that communication was always what got his where he wanted to be. Another attribute that he attributes to his success is good old fashioned hard work. He says that he has always had to work hard and study a lot because good grades and success in education did not come as easy to him as it did for some of his colleagues. He had to study a lot and not sleep very much through medical school but he was able to pass in the top ten percent of his class. Hard work and dedication pays off well. Conclusion Ira Agastein a resident supervisor of Larkin Community Hospital, loves every aspect of his job and feels that he is right where he needs to be in his career path. He loves working with people and being able to make sure that they are all taken care of in a way that he says would make his grandfather proud. As a 18 year service veteran as a combat medic, he looks forward to retiring from the Army in the near future but he says he probably will never leave the health care field. He has done a lot of things in his 18 year career with the army and done other things, he has spent a lot of time on his education and says that here time in medical school was all worth it. Health care is something that he love and is very good at there is nothing else he would like to do more.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Connectivism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Connectivism - Essay Example It is not with the human beings by birth or we cannot call knowledge as an innate part of human beings. The learning theories of behaviourism, constructivism and cognitivism regard knowledge as acquirable and identify various ways with the help of which, a person is able to learn in this world. According to the learning theory of behaviourism, the knowledge that a person keeps or attains by means of experience or rationality can be assessed by means of change of behaviour (Gredler, 2005). When a person attains knowledge, his/her behaviour changes with the acquisition of knowledge. The behaviourism philosophy can be defined as a philosophy that deals with the transformation of behaviour as an indication of learning (Vaill, 1996). Therefore, in behaviourism learning theory deals with the transformation of behaviour of an individual as a sign of his/her learning. Learning theory of behaviourism regards learning as wholly external. Constructivism is also based on the philosophy of constructivism. According to the learning theory of constructivism, knowledge comes to a person with the help of his/her past experience (Gredler, 2005). A person is able to learn on the basis of his/her past experiences in terms of knowledge acquisition. Knowledge is acquired by means of comprehension of experiences that a person goes through in his/her life time. According to the constructivism theory of learning, learning is something based on internal input of a human being (Gredler, 2005). As far as congnitivism is concerned, according to the learning theory of cognitivism, a person is able to get knowledge similarly as the computer does. An input is required, there is some memory where the knowledge is stored on temporary bases and then this knowledge is coded for future employment. Cognitivism also categorizes knowledge as an external element (Vaill, 1996). These theories

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Government Intervention in Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Government Intervention in Business - Essay Example The government as well makes sure that the welfare of the people is put as priority at all times, (at least in theory). This becomes evident with Government Owned and Controlled Corporations, wherein some governments enter into the manufacturing or distribution of fast moving consumer goods to post a more competitive price range for its people rather than the good produced by multinational corporations- this is very evident in third world countries especially in the fields of pharmaceutical corporations and basic commodities such as rice and oil. The government also subsidizes some semi government owned companies, or agencies which delivers basic commodities to the people. Example of which are in the fields of energy, transportation, food (rice). This is done, in order to avoid the monopoly of certain markets and private corporations which usually dictate the market price of goods that sometimes are higher than what the lower class could afford. Disadvantages of government intervention in business can be felt if the government no longer regulates but prevents business from doing its vital functions. Too much government control suffocates the economy. This can sometimes be evident through the different taxes, tariffs and trade regulations that governments post in order to protect, propagate or hinder a certain market. An example of which is that sometimes, As Stated the doctrine of laissez-faire, "workers are most productive and a nation's economy functions most efficiently when people can pursue their own economic interest freely". However, the economy of the United States is no where close to being a laissez-faire system. Based on studies, government spending and intervention in the economic sector has ballooned. The role of government has grown to a point where the benefits of government intervention are far outweighed by the negative effects on the economy as a whole(Ringer, 150). In the United States, one of the major areas in which the government intervenes is in the agricultural sector of the economy. The government has three ways it can intervene and help its producers. These ways include price policies, direct payments, and input policies. Price policies have the largest effect on producers. Tariffs, quotas, and taxes are just a few examples of price policies. While these policies bring revenue into the government, in the end they hurt consumers. Each of these policies raise the prices of both imported and native goods. They are designed to help stabilize prices and give the native producers a chance to compete with foreign goods. Under the doctrine of laissez-faire, the government would not interfere with prices and the native producers would be forced to lower their prices, giving the nation's citizens a better deal in the market. The use of taxes is one of the government's favorite ways to make its presence known in the economy. While this method seems blatantly obvious, many of the ways the government uses the money collected by taxation is not. Some of the money it takes is used to fund other programs designed to "protect" consumers and to "create" jobs. Because of

Monday, October 7, 2019

Solution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Solution - Essay Example 2014). Content marketing targets attracting and retaining the customers of a business through continuous creation and development of content which are focused on changing the behaviour of the consumers (What is Content Marketing? 2014). The contents for content marketing have to be in association with the particular needs of the business, which would essentially vary from one company to another. Hence in order to achieve successful content marketing, the goals of the business have to be clearly set and planned (Baer, 2014). This step involves identifying the audience to whom the content would be targeted. There should be a particular aim of the execution of a particular content. Hence in this step, the business organization needs to identify the aim or the purpose that the business wants the content to fulfil (Baer, 2014). This is the step where the business needs to identify what it is producing, when, and for whom. This is extremely important since the content will have to be based on this information. The information and the audience have to be connected through the content being developed (Baer, 2014). Atomization would involve considering a key or a major idea related to the business, and executing smaller contents from the big concept. This is a form of reinvention which would help the business to create innovative contents for its purpose of marketing (Baer, 2014). This step suggests that the content marketing needs to be marketed by the business. Contents cannot be just created and people be attracted. Content executions will have to be created such as the product, and they will be required to be launched in the market like a business would do with a product. Integrated marketing tactics need to be followed for this purpose to bring the contents in front of the public (Baer, 2014). Contents are more effective for marketing if they are measured. By this it is meant that the business needs to measure

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Leda and the Swan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Leda and the Swan - Essay Example The basic story of the events as per Greek mythology describes the events which led to the conception of Helen and other children, the event mentioned in the story are violent perhaps because beauty is often born from past violence. Leda was married to the king of Sparta i.e. Tyndareus and Zeus took the form of a giant swan to mate with Leda on the same night as she had sex with her husband (Beyst, 2002). Intertextual analysis can show us quite clearly that the artists who covered this particular theme gave their own focus to the images regardless of the media being sculpture, painting or as per Yeats, poetry. Essentially, the poem and other artistic mediums which are based on this motif are presenting a loving couple which is entwined with each other. Sensibilities in art often prevent a complete visual description of a sexual act therefore there are certain aspects which are not shown. For example, Michelangelo’s Leda has her privates covered with the tail feathers of the swan while da Vinci’s Leda seems to be more or less hugging a giant swan rather than engaging in any sexual act (Beyst, 2002). On the other hand, the images presented by Yeats quite clearly describe the sexual act and if a person who is familiar with the background story reads this poem, s/he can clearly know where the point of climax comes within the poem along with the orgasm of the characters. In fact, Yeats words have a certain power which can not be felt in paintings because of a difference in medium. For example, it is rather difficult to empathise with Leda if one simply views the painting but upon reading the poem a person can place themselves in Leda’s position and experience what she felt (Beyst, 2002).

Friday, October 4, 2019

Confucius Biography Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Confucius Biography - Research Paper Example His father was commander and died three years after the birth of Confucius. Nevertheless, Confucius got a good education and married at the age of 19. He also became a father of one son and two daughters. (Confucius Biography) Early Occupations During his youth he had to learn so many skills because fortunes of his family had declined. Confucius belonged to the aristocratic family then known as the shih. Confucius in his first occupation is said to have worked as keeper of the Lu granary. After working as a keeper in the market, he worked as a farm worker taking care of farm animals. He also gave his services to the governor of his district. Through his politeness, fairness and love for learning he quickly earned a good reputation for himself. His mother died in 527 B.C.E and then he involved himself in his most beloved pursuit of teaching. It was the period of zhou (Chou) dynasty when moral values prevailed at its nadir. Confucius criticized the disorder and deplored the moral stand ards prevailed within the society. (Ann-ping) When he was 35, ruler Duke Zhao of Lu initiated a war; however, he shifted himself to the neighboring country of Qi. Duke Zhao continued to take his advice but due to opposition of one of his council minister he refused to grant him the land and also stopped taking his advice. (Kotelnikov, Vadim) Teacher He firmly believed that old precepts of the sages can bring back the people to the high moral standards. His fame and name spread across the masses. Confucius became famous in Lu because he made sayings which were full of wisdom. People learned through his teachings. He also helped and advised the emperor on effective and fruitful ruling. He also came into contact with Lao Tzu; however, Lao criticized him for his arrogance. His course or lessons used to be mainly history, music, and poetry. He spent his lot of time on developing the ideas regarding the art of government. Gradually, he acquired a large following. Though many of his follow ers returned to Lu and continued accepting the positions with the Chi clan. It is construed that because of these followers he was invited to Lu. (Kotelnikov, Vadim) Effective Administrator When he was 50, the Baron of Qi approached him and sought his help against a rebellion but he refused to comply. New Duke of Lu then made him a city magistrate. The city prospered under his governance and he got promoted several times and finally became a Grand Secretary of justice and then at the age of 56, became chief minister of Lu. He was quite successful in his administration, introduced the reforms and dispensed the justice quickly. As a result, crimes were almost eliminated. (Kotelnikov, Vadim) Neighboring countries started worrying that Lu would become much powerful. They distracted the duke by sending gifts and dancers. On duke's improper behavior, Confucius resigned and left the country. (Kotelnikov, Vadim) A Great Traveler Confucius visited nearby states and travelled a lot in the hop e that some other ruler would take his heed and undertake measures of reform; however, all his efforts went in vain. Confucius wandered China with his disciples for 5 years and realized that his presence is not well tolerated. Once he was arrested and put into jail for five days. He was also pursued into the countryside by a group of soldiers arranged by jealous nobles; however, he was rescued by the king of a neighboring country. A Political Leader His great emphasis is said to be on political

Schools and Delinquency Essay Example for Free

Schools and Delinquency Essay The research done on chapter 5 from the book juvenile justice is very interesting to say the least. The way it made the information on it easy to understand is very helpful to me.. Also the research done describes the truancy and dropout rate and the thing that the state is doing to prevent them from increasing more. One of the reasons why researchers think that drop out accrues is because of the race or the ethnicity. One thing that is for sure is that they don’t know the order in which delinquency accurse whether it’s due to drop out or the other social factors or maybe something that’s happening in the youth’s family. They have put up curfews and other programs that have proven to drop the dropout rate and truancy. Which I think is great because the less time the youths have outside the less likely they are to get involved with gangs or start abusing drugs or alcohol. Another research is the shooting rate in schools and how it is a rare crime compared to any other youth related crime, and because it is a rare crime the media covers it and I shock the nation because of it. Because of this the states have given more funding’s to make the schools safer. They want to make sure that the schools are a place where the students can feel safe and not have to worry about being in danger all the time. But still schools still continue to have a high level of crime in them even with all the precautions that are being taken. Most of the time having to do with bullying or sometime it has to do with the fact that students are being introduced to illegal drugs in school premises. The research on bullying say that bullying is one of the factors in school shootings, and because of this research they have started to make programs for anti-bullying. Research also says that males are more likely to report being bullied than females. I think that this is because of the reason the females are more afraid of what is to happen then the males. Also they say that bullying has an effect on attendance for the reason that some kids don’t want to go to school for the reason that they are scared of the people there, and also it has proven to ave a long lasting effect that affect the victim of bullying for long periods of time. The way I think schools should deal with troublesome or kids engaged in delinquency are these. I think that they should be put in different classes. So that the teachers are more focused on the troublesome students and not have to worry about the other well behaved students. Another way to handle this situation is to make a school for youths that are going down the path of delinquency. In this school they should have stricter rules on attendance. If they missed school for to many days they should be taken on a trip to show them what there life could be in the future. I have seen a show where the parents take action and put their kids in a program where they take them to jail and they are treated like criminals. They also introduce them to male and female prisoners that yell and tell them the reasons why there are where they are. Some of the times this program helps put the youth back on track and show them that what they are doing is bad and the life that they could be living is behind bars in a squared box. In my opinion the schools are doing everything in their power to help the trouble some students. I do believe that some teachers don’t worry as much for the youths that are misbehaving because they think that they will get nowhere in life. For this reason is why I think that we should make the things that I mentioned earlier a must that way they get the attention that they need to get and everyone is learning in one way or another. From my experience I think that it is necessary to take action now. I have seen many people drop out of school because they thought that what they are learn is use less but because most of the time teachers don’t give them the attention they needed because sometimes when youth misbehaved was because they thought that the work was hard and the teachers would not help them with it because they may have not cared about them because of the way they behaved. Being involved in a youth’s life is important for many reasons and one main reason is so that the youth does not fall into the wrong steps in life. Having read all this research on delinquency has opened up my mind that it does not only happen for one reason but for many like for example being bullied or not understanding the work given to them at school and acting out on it in a bad way so that their peers don’t realize the reasons to why they never want to do their work.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Overview Of The Hotel Industry Tourism Essay

Overview Of The Hotel Industry Tourism Essay The hotel industry is any types or forms of business relating to the provision of accommodation in lodging, food and drinks and various types of other services that are interconnected and which are intended for public service, both of which use the lodging facilities or who simply use the services or the production of certain of the hotel. Hotels offer enormous range of guests services such as banqueting, conference and fitness, sport and facilities, beauty spas, bars, sophisticated restaurant, casinos, night clubs and casinos. The Hotel sector consists of more than 15% of all the people who worked in the hospitality sector. Hotels falls into a number of different categories which includes the glamorous five-star resort international luxury chains, trendy boutiques, country house, conference, leisure or guest houses. Many are owner run which offer personalised service to guests. This very dynamic sector offers good quality accommodation, great variety of food and beverage, together with other services for all types of customers. With offering every kind of accommodation catering for every type of taste, the hotel sector is undeniably constantly growing and evolving, while refining its offering, improving its experience and creating new products to serve and satisfy customer on a local and global level. The hotel sector is always striving to offer excellent customer service throughout its operations. History of the Hotel Industry The history of the hospitality industry dates all the way back to the Colonial Period in the late 1700s. The hotel industry has been the subject of important development and growth over the years as it has faced World Wars, The Depression and various social changes. However, the hotel industry as seen today takes form in the early 1950s and 60s, leading the way for growth in to the dynamic industry. This had led to more and more people traveling not only for business but also for leisure reasons, leading to the development which can be seen nowadays. The idea of renting an accommodation to visitors appeared since ancient times, and the modern concept of a hotel as we know derives from 1794, when the  City Hotel opened in New York City; the City Hotel was claimed to be the first building designed exclusively to  hotel operations. The City hotel back then possessed 73 rooms and offered different types of service. Similar operations soon appeared in such nearby cities as Baltimore, Boston in 1809 and Philadelphia.   The  industrial revolution, which started in the 1760s, facilitated the construction of hotels everywhere, in mainland Europe, in England and in America. The advent of new ways of transportations, hotels and resorts outside of major cities were built in the countryside and began promoting their scenery and other attractions. The concept of the vacation was developed and available to more and more of the population. In the 1920s, hotel building entered a boom phase and many famous hotels were opened, From there a surge of hotels flooded American and the rest of the world with prominent names such as Radisson, Marriot, Hilton and more others. Organisations representing hotels worldwide The growth and expansion of the Tourism industry all over the world have been beyond expectation, whereby this have generated billions for recipient countries, hence making the tourism industry one of the most successful sector in international trade in services, while being for some economies their major exports. However, the hotel industry is a very dynamic sector which often faced economically difficult times reason why there has been the creation of several world organisations to monitor progress, promote and developed sustainable tourism in the hotel industry. The following are some of the world leading organisations representing the tourism and travel, and hotel industry throughout the world: i) World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) The (UNWTO) is one of the United Nations agencies, which is accountable for the advancement of responsible and sustainable tourism. Being the Word leading organization in the tourism sector, UNWTO promotes tourism as a mean for economic growth, development and environmental sustainability and offers the monitoring and assistance to the sector in advancing knowledge and tourism policies worldwide. The UNWTO also encourages the implementation of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism, to maximize tourisms socio-economic contribution, and is committed to promoting tourism as a tool in achieving the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which aims is towards poverty alleviation and encouraging sustainable development. Moreover, the UNWTO plays also major roles in creating market knowledge, promotes competitive and sustainable tourism policies and instruments, fosters tourism education and training ii) International Hotel Restaurant Association (IHRA) The  IHRA is an international trade association representing the interests of the  hotel  and  restaurant industries. IHRA members are national hotel and restaurant associations throughout the world, and international and national hotel and restaurant chains representing some 50 brands. Officially recognized by the  United Nations, IHRA monitors international agencies on behalf of the industry, estimated to comprise 300,000 hotels and 8 million restaurants, employs 60 million people and contributes 950 billion USD annually to the global economy. iii) HSMAI Hospitality Sales Marketing Association International The Hospitality Sales Marketing Association International is the largest international association of travel sales and marketing professionals. The association have over 4,000 members from different travel and tourism organisations including hotels, resorts, airlines, cruise lines, car rental agencies, and others in 31 countries worldwide, with the purpose of improving sales and marketing, education and management skills in the hospitality organisations worldwide. iv) The  World Travel Tourism Council  (WTTC) The World Travel Tourism Council is the global authority on the economic and social contribution of Travel Tourism. It promotes sustainable growth for the industry, working with governments and international institutions to create jobs, to drive exports and to generate prosperity. It is the only body representing the private sector in all parts of the Travel Tourism industry worldwide. The WTTC activities attempt to settle the Travel Tourism industrys private and public sector affairs in order to bring forward sustainable change. Growth of Hotel Industry Worldwide . The rise in levels of  income  and standard of living  but also coupled with an increase in  leisure time has been especially beneficial to the tourism industry. The advent of  technological progress particularly through higher capacity cruise ships and aircrafts,  computerized reservation systems, better road transport facilities have played key roles in the global growth of hotel industry. Moreover, enhanced productivity have been favourable to the industry by helping to cut costs and making travel and tourism products more affordable without ignoring the fact that travel and tourism is now more  safe and secure  despite the terrorist attack which threatens the industry. As competition in the industry increases worldwide, the customers have reap great benefits in terms of   lower prices  coupled from a wider choice  as the organizations have to  differentiate their products  from the crowd to appeal to specific market segments but also strive to enhance the quality of their services.   More and more innovative approaches to marketing and promotion and creation  of new products are pulling the demand to the destinations. The  governments as a facilitator, fund provider and legislator  have also had played its part on the development of the industry.   New consumer needs and attitudes  have also fuelled the growth of specific segments for instance ecotourism is booming. One other factor but not the least is the increased  level of economic activity  which has led to an increase in business travel and also the growing trend of international mobility. Despite global economic challenges, hotel developments continue to progress, with new rooms injected into global supply by both independent hotels and group. Statistics According to the UN World Tourism Organisation, the number of international tourist arrivals worldwide was at only 25 million in 1950 is now set to reach 1 billion in 2012 and 1.8 billion by 2020 In an update of forecasts made at the beginning of the year, the World Travel Tourism Council (WTTC) predicts growth for the Travel Tourism globally of 2.7%, only slightly downgraded from the 2.8% that was expected for the industry at the beginning of the year. The main reasons for the adverse trends are that WTTC expects world GDP growth to be 2.3% in 2012; down 0.2% from the beginning of the year. The trend for Travel Tourism figures has been positive for the beginning of 2012 and has surpassed expectations from the start of the year. International tourist arrivals have grown 4.9% in the year from January to June, airline passenger traffic is up 6.8%, and hotel occupancy rates are up in many markets. In 2011 Travel Tourism accounted for 255 million jobs globally generating 9 per cent of world GDP while generating billions for host economies; explaining why the sector is a key driver for investment and economic growth. According to statistics from the World Tourism Organization (WTO), in 2008 an estimated 924 million international tourist arrivals, an increase of 1.76% compared to 2007. According to statistics from the World Tourism Organization (WTO), in 2008 international tourist arrivals amounted to 917 million visitors, representing an increase of 1.76% compared to 2007. In 2009, international tourist arrivals fell to 882 million, representing a worldwide decline of 4.4% over 2008. The worldwide destinations recorded a total of 600 million arrivals, International tourist arrivals in the whole world fell by 7% between January and August 2009, but the rate of decline has eased in recent months. These results and recent economic data, confirms UNWTOs initial forecast a 5% decrease in international tourist arrivals during the year 2009. Specifically, the global tourism in 2011 grew by 4.4 per cent, reaching $980 million international tourist arrivals. And the forecast for 2012 has just started, UNWTO expects grow that a somewhat lower rate, but allows to reach 1,000 million international tourists.